Friday, May 6, 2011

Follow Friday/Blogger Hop

Follow Friday is a weekly meme hosted by Parajunkee's View.

This week's question:

Circle time! Time to share. What character in a book would you most like to be, what character in a book would you most like to date?

I have to say I agree with Al (this friday's feature) and being Mac from the Fever series would be really nice. Only I would want to date V'lane. And I'm totally ignoring the end of Shadowfever (there, that's not spoilery, right?)

The thing is, my favorite characters to date are all in books with a setting I wouldn't want to be in. Like Adam from If I Stay (yeah... Needless to say, I would never want to be Mia.)
Oh! Tucker. I would definitely want to date Tucker from Unearthly. But would I want to be Clara? I'm too lazy to be an angel.
Sigh. I think I'm just doomed to stay in the real world.

What about you? Who do you want to be/who do you want to date?

Book Blogger Hop

The Book Blogger Hop is a weekly event that enables people to hop all over each other make new friends and be enthusiastic about books in general. Join the fun! Go over at Crazy for Book.

This weeks question is: 

Which book blogger would you most like to meet in real life?

Okay, my answer(s) will probably come off as stalkerish because I'm new here and haven't really made any friends yet. 

In the "she's so awesome but I'd be too intimidated to actually say anything to her" category, I's say anyone from The Book Lantern. They're all so eloquent and smart and always talk about thought-provoking things. I love their posts.

In the "she's so awesome and I want to violate her bookshelves because she has the same taste than me and she's amazing and funny" category, I would LOVE to meet Honey @ Sniff Books, Not Drugs because she's like my other bloggy half. But I think the world wouldn't survive. Also, Small Review (who has awesome, awesome discussion posts). Because I just can't pick just one. I'm annoying like that.

What about you? Which blogger would you like to meet?


Unknown said...

Hmm... I think Anita Blake from that wonderfully long series by Laurell Hamilton. She kills zombies and defys vampires and is a kick a$$ chick! I would love to be able to do a thing or two as she does.

As for date! Too many to name! Let's go for any or ALL of the Dark Hunters from Sherrilyn Kenyon's series!

Zombies are for May!  Morbid Romantica Challenge links are up for Zombies along with a few book ideas.  Some I myself will be trying out! Stop by and let me know which Zombie book I should be reading!

Mad Scientist
Steampunkery & Book Reviews
For The L♥ve of Reading

Book Savvy Babe said...

Way to ignore the end of shadowfever! I gather that you’re going for dating vlane pre-book 5, and that’s a pretty good choice, it would be fun to be sifted anywhere you wanted to go….
happy friday follow, here’s my link:

Ashley @ Bookaholics Anonymous said...

I have yet to read the fever series. I need to first however many. I have the most recent one.

Have a goodweekend!

Shari said...

I haven't read the fever series yet either but I do love Adam and Tucker there are just too many amazing guys in books. New follower. Shari over at

Aleetha said...

I have read If I syat but I did not connect with Adam. But I do hope Where She Went will give me better way to know him more

I am new follower

Aleetha @ It's All About Books

Obsession with Books said...

Hi & Happy Friday..

Great choices! I am a new follower :)

Kylie1403 said...

hey hey CUTE header I just love it!

Man I found this question hard to answer hehe as I wanna be EVERYONE hehe

- Kylie

Unknown said...

Dating V'lane would be interesting. It would certainly lead to a great...hmm... :).

New follower!

Bex said...

Hi there! Old follower stopping by. :)

Sounds like some great choices! And yeah, V'lane sure would be interesting to date. But I'm not sure I'd want to be Mac... Personally I chose between Anita Blake and Cat, but ended up choosing Cat since I love my Bones. (He ended up as the one I'd like to date!)

But I agree that most boys can be in settings you don't want to be! But then I fall for a lot of boys as well. ;) Lol.

My FF can be found here!

Rebecca @ kindle fever

Unknown said...


Following through on Friday. I totally agree with you. I would not want to be some of the female characters in some of the books that I've read, despite them having great guys at their side! I would not like to be Bella for example...ever! But Edward... Now I could be his! FOREVER! Hehe!

Anyway I'm a new follower! Have a great weekend!

Sonette @ Bookworm Blog

nymfaux said...

Hi! New follower!!! :D

I would choose to be Alanna from the Tamora Pierce books...but I'm still looking for my perfect guy ;D


Sidne said...

FF and hopping by. I chosed.... oh just stop on by my blog. Have a nice weekend

Sonia said...

Oh, good choice in regards to Adam :) I loved his character so much. Have you gotten a chance to read Where She Went? I haven't read those other books but I agree that Honey is pretty darn awesome ;) New follower!

Katie said...
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Katie said...

Hey, new follower here c:
Adam is one of my favorite character's too. I loved 'If i stay' and want to read 'Where she went' soon. Did you read it already?

Katie @ Mon Palais

Stacy said...

I haven't read The Fever series, I should hop on that wagon is what you are saying?

New follower here!
Stacy @ DemureConnoisseur

Howard Sherman said...

I’ve met so many great people via the Book Book Blogger Con at Book Expo America I honestly can’t come up with a single name of a book blogger I want to meet but haven’t yet!

I’m heading back to BBC @ BEA. I hope to see you there!

Hop on by my blog and just say hi –

Howard Sherman

Unknown said...

My answer for blogger hop was the same as yours as I'm fairly new to blogging. I failed to name people though :s.

My Blog- In-Interestt

Readaholics said...

Hey Lamia, just stopping by on the follow & hop
I could not just give one answer to this week's questions!.
Come check my picks!
Have a terrific weekend reading !!!
See ya!
Dana- NF
Readaholics Anonymous

Alexis @ Reflections of a Bookaholic said...

Lol. I agree, escaping in books are great as long as you get to come back to the "real world."

Emma Michaels said...

Happy Follow Friday! I am a follower! Hope you will stop by

Emma Michaels

Anonymous said...

ME?! ARE YOU SERIOUS?! Holy. Crap. But I'm so weird and bleh! I'm still baffled that you think I'm funny! I try WAY too hard LOLL You're crazy sweet though. And I can't lie, my taste in books is impeccable ;) We practically have the same taste though so HIGH FIVE! If we ever met, I'm pretty sure the world would implode from the awesomeness :D We should meet up NEXT YEAR! We can be the cause of 2012!!

Small Review said...

Aw thank you! I'd love to meet you too :) I just put the finishing touches on my next discussion post!

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